Our Principles

Over hundreds of projects, we have developed some simple, logical principles that guide great work.

1. The Client Comes First

1.1 We win when our clients win.

1.2 But this only happens if our business delivers measurable value.

1.3 Identifying value opportunities requires intelligence and insight.

1.4 Discovery Sprints provide the focus to generate and refine ideas.

1.5 The resulting proposition is clear, costed and ready to build.

1.6 Yet the only way to truly validate our ideas, is to test them.

2. The Delivery Team Is The Engine

2.1 As the business serves the client, the Delivery Team serves the business. 

2.2 Skills vary, but the shared goal is always delivery of the MVP.

2.3 Because only in delivery, can the team create measurable value.

2.4 In return, the business invests in the team.

2.5 This can mean pay, conditions, and opportunities advance.

2.6 This is repaid in the recruitment and retention of the best people. 

2.7 Because the best people look to work for the best businesses.

3. The Process Is The Product

3.1 Our job is not just delivery, it is improving the process of delivery.

3.2 We look to do more with less. We learn to handle unplanned work.

3.3 We leverage trusted technology and technical accelerators.

3.4 We prioritise business value (delivery) over technical value.

3.5 We build processes and rituals into predictable, 8-week Delivery Sprints.

3.6 These sprints insure the regular, visible, delivery of value.

3.7 Because, we win when our clients win.